MICHAEL CAPODIFERRO (Writer/Director) is a creative storyteller committed to creating bitingly vulnerable art and worlds that are grounded, strange, and sweet. Having been raised by two Deaf parents on the East Coast, Michael is a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA). Michael grew up fluent in English and American Sign Language (ASL), with ASL being his first language before he could even speak. His unique experience in CODA subculture and seeing limited portrayals of the Deaf world in media inspired Michael to be passionate about stories that want to be heard.

Against the pressures of bootstrap mythology, his mission is to tell accessible stories so everyone knows they deserve to be loved. Just as the taste of his Nonna’s sauce lingers in your mouth long after the meal, he wants the stories he tells to be held close by those who experience them so that it becomes their own.

His work was featured Off-Broadway at The New Short Play Festival and The Network Film Festival where he was nominated for Best Director.